An Angel In the Midst…Part I

I do not recall all the intricate details of this pivotal day in September 2016.  I do remember the critical events that led me to the moment that gave me a small glimmer of hope.  A shimmering light in the distance was God’s answer to my prayer. *** I also vividly recall the never-ending pain! …

Remember When?

I love rainy days!  I get that from my sweet mama!  It is so relaxing sitting on my back porch listening to the sound of the rain aimlessly falling from the sky.  Hurricane Florence has been downgraded to a tropical storm for South Carolina, so I  am also enjoying hearing the rustling leaves on the …

Stand Up! It’s Finally Here!

  In a recent post, The Fun’s Just Getting Started…  I mentioned a conversation between me and my manager about a stand up desk.  You may remember, in that post, I was chasing “squirrels” but I finally got to this transformational conversation. Fast forward to now.  Have you ever heard of Christmas in September?  Me neither, so …