A Double Portion

Our family meeting was held the afternoon of December 25, 2020. We’d never had a family meeting before. It was the day that forever changed our lives. Once my dad shared with us he needed extra help, he allowed full access to everything—no reservations.

I can sum it up in six words: HE-MADE-IT-EASY-FOR-US.

For clarity, this hasn’t been easy at all. My dad simply made it easy for us to “step in” on their behalf. There’s a difference.

It wasn’t long before daddy started sharing he wished they would’ve had five more kids just like us. When my sister-in law heard him saying that, she responded, “You do!” And she was certainly right! He quickly agreed.

I have two brothers and two sisters—Tommy, Beverly, Lewis, and Cindy. I am the baby of five. (Technically six, but my mom lost a baby at childbirth. His name was Jonathan.)

Tommy is married to Wendy.

Beverly is married to Charles.

Lewis is married to Danita. (Lewis-brother)

Cindy is married to Louis. (Louis-brother-in-law)

Last, but certainly not least, I am married to Gerry, (pronounced like Gary.)

After our Christmas breakfast a little over a year ago, Wendy drove my mom to the emergency room for complications due to CHF (congestive heart failure.) Wendy is a registered nurse and was the obvious choice to take her. The cool part is that she was more than willing to do so. She is quite familiar with mom’s long list of medical issues, procedures, and medications. We trust her judgement completely, and all of us agreed mom needed to go.

It was hard sending her on Christmas Day, but she truly had no choice in the matter. Yes—she probably should’ve gone beforehand, but she first wanted to spend Christmas morning with her husband, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. My mom is one of the strongest women I know, but if she hadn’t gone that day, she likely wouldn’t be here with us today. Wendy saved my mom’s life on more than one occasion. (Ironically, she also saved Tommy’s life as well. (You can read An Angel in the Midst…Part II about Tommy and Wendy in a post I wrote many moons ago.)

After Wendy left with my mom, my siblings and I had that family meeting with my dad. This is when he shared he needed extra support with mom and all her medical needs. He just couldn’t do it alone anymore. But we’d soon find out, he had medical needs as well.

Cindy mentioned dad had previously spoken to her about him not feeling right. Something seemed “a little off,” but he couldn’t put his finger on it. He just couldn’t think clearly and with mom’s failing health, it only exacerbated the issue. As we rallied around daddy in the dining room, he prayed the sweetest, most heavenly, heart-felt prayer.

After many tears, we put our family plan into motion. We just didn’t know what that plan was. None of us had a clue what to do. At first, we were all kinda flyin’ by the seat of our pants, but it didn’t take long to settle into our new roles. Okay, okay—it took a few months, but who’s counting? Wendy’s the only one that had her role down pat from the get-go.

Close, tight-knit families are quite unusual in this day and age. It’s a blessing to be a part of something so special. Nope—none of us are perfect, but please don’t tell my mama and daddy. They think we’re pretty close. That goes for all ten of us—my mom and dad’s double portion.

Pretty incredible…

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